Insult & Taunts Mocap Data
This mocap data pack includes a set of 48 gestures performed in our studio with various professional dancers and actors. This set is based around taunting and insulting. The animations were originally recorded for use in our own projects. We are releasing them now for others to use in their video games and other creative projects.
Included in this mocap data pack are the following motions...
Blow Raspberry At Crowd (10s)
Blow Raspberry (7s)
Double Flip Bird (4s)
Flip Bird Cowboy (21s)
Flip Bird Pocket Jig (17s)
Flip Bird Pocket (16s)
Flip Bird Winding (19s)
Flip The Bird 1 LHand (3s)
Flip The Bird 1 RHand (3s)
Flip The Bird 2 LHand (3s)
Flip The Bird 2 RHand (3s)
Gloating Pointing Dance (10s)
Gloating Rub Hands (19s)
Golf Clap Dance (14s)
Golf Clap LSide (14s)
Golf Clap RSide (14s)
Jest Full Mocking (12s)
Kung Fu Beckon RHand (29s)
Kung Fu Beckon LHand (29s)
Kung Fu Beckon (looped) LHand (10s)
Kung Fu Beckon (looped) RHand (10s)
Let One Go (8s)
Loser Dance (18s)
Loser Stand (22s)
Mocking Angry Fists (31s)
Moon (5s)
Pity Violin (17s)
Pointy Gloating (21s)
Sarcastic Clap (18s)
Shake Butt (9s)
Shoo Away Dance (18s)
Shoo Away Pest Stand (14s)
Spank Myself (Looped) (21s)
Spank Myself (5s)
Spit Ground (4s)
Spit Wipe Mouth (6s)
Telling Off Dance (11s)
TellingOff Stand (9s)
Your Going Down 1 (4s)
Your Going Down 2 (4s)
Your Going Down 3 (5s)
Wagging Finger Dance (16s)
Up Yours Royally (32s)
Two Hand Flip Bird (3s)
Tiny Violin Dance (27s)
Tiny Violin Stand (22s)
Tiny Violin Short Gesture (10s)
The primary format in this pack is FBX. This is our core cleaned and processed motion capture animation that can be used for retargeting and converting to other skeletons and file formats. We have also included some supplementary files to help you retarget and use the data along with some already converted sets for 3dMax and Unreal.