Importing FBX into Blender
The main 'android retarget' fbx files included with our 'fbx' products have all been tested to work with Blender and can be imported with the following method. Any additional supplementary files included with the fbx files may also work but this cannot be guaranteed in all cases. As of writing blender does not support retargeting from one character to another as a built in feature, therefore to retarget you may need to use a third party plugin or another application such as motionbuilder.
1. In Blender select the menu item File > Import > FBX

2. Set Automatic Bone Orientation
In the import window that appears check the box Automatic Bone Orientation in the Armature drop down. This will make sure the bones are orientated the correct way when imported. Then select the FBX file you wish to import and click the 'Import FBX' button.

Click import and wait for the animation to load. If successful you should see our animated android character in the scene as follows.